domenica, marzo 25, 2012

Pigre detonazioni faulkneriane

Pigre detonazioni
una generazione da perdere
una generazione andata persa
ne parlavo nella fonda notte di ieri
con Val l'orchestrante.

Chi per fame
chi in guerra
chi davanti ad una televisione.

Pigre detonazioni
un bicchiere su un tappeto d'albergo
estenuanti mestrui imbottiti di bambagia
un tragitto dove scrivere in sostanza.

In questa hall d'albergo
ci sto
da quattro giorni
il bar
è chiuso al mattino
apre alle 11.00
penso in tutto
& per tutto
a Th. Mann.

La chiesa dei portoghesi a Roma
è stata una scoperta sensazionale
ho ammirato commosso
la bellezza materiale del mondo,
fondata nel 1445
dal cardinale Martinez de Chaves,
era solo sant'antonio in campo marzio.

Pigre detonazioni
un'ora d'attesa
per una donna giustificabile.

E' l'inizio
di una storia d'amore
due amanti al crocicchio
scrivevo quando avevo 24 anni
nell'età classica.

Pigre detonazioni
è un mondo
che è arrivato in ritardo
nonostante tutte fosse stabilito
come faulkneriano.

Il tempo è passato
tipica manifestazione
alla Anne Bancroft -
alcuni condannati
prendono corpo

Pigre esecuzioni
si riversano sulla folla
le rughe della gente
sono impietrite.

di giorno lavora
in un'impresa di pulizie
va a pulire gli uffici
di sera fa la strip-teaser
e mi ricorda Daniela.

Prova nel vicolo
solo perché ha i capelli neri
& ti dice che hai le mani
molto morbide
che sembrano quelle
di un bambino.

Sono anni
che continuo
a sentire
le stesse registrazioni.

L'ultimo nastro di Krapp
non l'ultimo nastro di Krapp
che poi crap significa
cazzata, merda, sterco
o assimilabili,
William Devereux
"Billy" Zantzinger
ha ucciso la poor Hattie Carroll?
Dove sta lo stomaco
se si tratta di un omicidio?

Sono anni indifferenti
sono le nostre possessioni
citate lettera per lettera,
ho solo iniziato a prendere.

Pigre inondazioni
accompagnano le propagazioni
& suoni,
al dirsi - inutili,
hanno poco da apprendere.

Forse avevano
un lavoro
forse avevano un lavoro
& l'hanno tenuto.

L'uomo nell'angolo
avvolge un pollo arrosto
nella carta stagnola.

Pigre detonazioni
di anatre appese
rimaste a sgocciolare
da ieri mattina.

Pigre deeetoonazioni
attendono alterate
una preghiera veloce.

Dodici o ventuno
la vecchia casa dell'assenzio
è stata una conquista
del pensiero moderno occidentale.

Guardie pagate
pigre detonazioni faulkneriane
lo stato di guerra perenne.

Lungo si vede
oltre la capitale
di questa nazione
il limite
il passo cadenzato,
espressione di comodo
di molti autori.

Una scala maggiore
viene eseguita
con magistrale perfezione,
l'abbozzo di un critico musicale
che stroncò
John Coltrane.

Pigre detonazioni,
quando giunsero
a Gerusalemme
si prostrarono
presero dei soldi a prestito
videro il sole sorgere
a mezz'asta
& presero il cammino
verso un'altra sera.

Un neon
che brucia lento, chiaro
è tutto questo
è per un uomo cieco
con una penna.

Pigre detonazioni
tutte vissute
a Philadelphia
o a Torino.

Prima di far saltare
il ponte
l'impiccato cantava
un blues del Delta,
ansimava gioendo.

Pigre detonazioni
occhi bassi
ombretto pesante nero impastato 
palpebre giallognole,
divieto di accesso.

Accettiamo di ammettere
la colpevolezza
dell'addebito contestato
ma nella fattispecie
ci riserviamo
di assolverci.

Spettatore sbalordito
pubblico pressoché assente
profondamente atrofizzato
attore dal fiato spezzato.

Si china e si richina
l'affronto della rivista
della critica accademica
è parso demenziale.

la salita di Haight-Ashbury
quella vicina
al parco dei fotografi,
una donna bionda.

Porsche decappottabile
anni '50
passa sfrecciando,
espressione di comodo
di molti autori.

La parola
da loqui.

Come si potrebbe dubitare
anni di studio
etimologico & filologico
non per forza nell'ordine
il senso dell'interversione

A seguito
delle sommosse avvenute
a Rosario de Matera
viene costituita & proclamata
la Repubblica Indipendente di ___________
nell'anno 1941.

Se si presta
un po' di attenzione
dice John Lennon

Si vedono solo
1000 anni
di torture, violenze.

Scrivere bene i numeri
è una virtù
comune a pochi
oramai tutta la comunità
si è alzata
& ha dato alla voce
alte grida,
il popolo pianse 
tutta quella notte.

Nel ventre della balena
oppure, obliquamente
espressione di comodo
di molti autori.

Al ministero del Lavoro,
quello per cui scrisse
Derek Walcott
di sicuro sono a Roma
si incontrano
i rappresentanti del governo
& quelli delle parti sociali.

Il tavolo è saltato
ora si indaga
per stabilire
di chi sia la colpa.

Visto che
ristagnano nella vasca
da giorni
prendi i libri
sigillali, marchiali
prendine coscienza.

Il miglior album?

J.J. Cale

The Graduate

Cold Turkey

sabato, marzo 24, 2012

The real Mr. Newton

Buon link di fotografia

Una delle tante scarse descrizioni ad un bar / buio caliginoso

[...] ragazza bionda scialba
lentiggini sottopelle
profilo tagliato
ricordi di Chinatown Frisco
le discese dove squartano
tra tre mesi
polli gatti
occhiali da sole
montatura nera
lenti blu
tutto molto anni '80
donne con cagnolini
fanno un giro
tornano a casa
fanno un giro fuori casa

Le mie figure di donne

Le mie figure di donne preferite
sono quelle austere
longilinee - non per forza questo,
imponenti d'aspetto
con una certa subalternità
in quanto riproduzioni
di un concetto

Cronaca di un articolo

La febbre
è solo qualcosa che è salita
ogni giorno misuriamo
le variazioni del nostro corpo
ogni giorno
ci affidiamo a misure
& a chi fa misure
direttamente sul nostro corpo
peso altezza
pressione battiti
perché poi
ce ne rendano conto
& noi ne rendiamo conto ad altri
a nostra volta
"continua nella sua perlustrazione
di svariati soggetti b/n
&ad il bianco & nero
non sembra essere
una sola impressione
lasciata per le strade
tra i suoi testi
nelle pellicole
ma è un intero stile di vita"

mercoledì, marzo 21, 2012

Gimmie Shelter, first lyrics

Oh, a storm is threat'ning 
My very life today 
If I don't get some shelter 
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away 
It's just a shot away 
War, children, it's just a shot away 
It's just a shot away

Tom Waits - Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis

Una storia tutta italiana / 2 - Il decalogo dell'agente letterario - editor

1. La storia deve essere semplice.

2. La storia deve essere necessariamente riconducibile ad un vissuto sociale di facile e pronta identificazione, nella quale il lettore ci si ritrovi con immediatezza.

3. I concetti devono essere basilari, lineari.

4. I periodi - le frasi - devono essere brevi.

5. La letteratura contemplabile al giorno d'oggi, la sola da prendere in considerazione, è solo quella che sfocia nel romanzo.

6. Non è affatto detto che venga pubblicata la miglior storia, trama.

7. La storia deve funzionare.

8. Non è affatto detto che venga pubblicato il miglior autore. Anzi l'esperienza dice l'esatto contrario.

9. Il lettore non deve affaticarsi, deve anche provare piacere, divertirsi.

10. In fin dei conti, è il lettore che fa il mercato.


Aggiungo solo che secondo questo amabile decalogo il 95% della letteratura del Novecento non sarebbe mai stata pubblicata.

Su ciò di cui non si può parlare si deve tacere (Wittgenstein)

lunedì, marzo 19, 2012

The Cantos of the Capture

That other raven
has a face
of black bruises
it can be approached
only if they dare to guess
what time he was given to communion
or the last Sunday fucked
no matter with whom.

I thought the other night
to end
there’s always
a way to kill a man
I thought to poison me
but I had nothing at home
and I have never lost
mothers fathers
I thought to kill me
choking in a carpet
but then my mind was expanding
like the nostrils of a frightened
so I dropped everything.

We have rooms for rent
rent for hours
customers arrive
some sit
in that gone chair
and just enough
others look around
touching the sweaty genitals
setting them in the palm
of the soapy hand
these rooms - eight rooms
the doors close better
with a chair and a table behind
must look at the wonders
that the world holds for us
from within
listening to a disc of 1971
with J.L. Hooker and some Old Overholt.

For today no dead murdered
in my neighborhood
even if I have to stop life
I always have done
& we’ve done
and not even know how to say
that I’m pregnant with you
take the enamel
if you do not find it
get off the streets
and tell the shopkeeper
that you love me.

Where are
my criminals tonight
which street door
they went to defame
where are my amazing stinking
to which I gave
my word
my knowledge
where are the snappers
smashing in the windows
and blow up the doors
they will stay up around till late
till late to complain
of who led them astray
everything is red
along this territory
the rest is inevitable.

In front of the crowd
of my horrible sin
I continued slow
with my head
my mechanical lims
three olivetti one antares
one in the ground
one on the kitchen table
the last came on a cabinet
I bypassed quarters
to get the four girls.

Track by track
along the backstairs
of dried meat
aged terribly
before the right time
for compassion of something sweet
all ask
when will you come back
when do you put on it
you damn yourself unnecessarily
for that christ harmless died
when will you come down to write
to repeat
you find them before.

That house
was standing
for old positions
now anti-customary
the glue between the planks of the walls
swallows the notches
of the people who passed
between these scraped axes
by used furnitures
of those who went to live
not by choice
the wells around
that house
are flourishing and unapproachable
the vegetation pruned and restructured
made partaker of the absence
that the power of man
knows how to trick.

They are sitting
around our homes
they took to drink
from their flasks
later when they said
'The cry of the animals'
have taken to touch us.

They took us
the "place"
have begun to take us
on knees
four years
my sister and I
were around
the well of the land
then the years have passed
and my sister spent
days in the fields
takin’ acid
all hours of the day
they called me tomboy
they said I had
the an hard back
but I have never used it
to work in "place."

Black is my thought
dark my knowledge
heavy my pace
& my past.

The Cantos of the Coast

We have a house on the coast
in front of us
some brown rock covered with moss
in this place do not exist
'the locals'
we carried
the canvases & the colors & brushes
hammers nails
the stapler and glue
then two old and sturdy tripod
& a wooden cage to put the liquors
the morning after we met
we work with charcoal on the sketchbook
Charles Mingus and Miles Davis interspersed
John Williams and runs well
(All) with a background of soft drinks
even if it is already late afternoon
and the mist beyond the porch
it’is purple and inconsistent
we have seven large sliced ​​lemons
and we left them to transform
on a wooden board
put them in the freezer
after half an hour they will be perfect
for your whiskey 'n' soda
'As nice as the days of the universe'
says our new neighbor

Wanting to be like Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner
and decide to scatter ourselves
among the dry bushes and stinging sand
with an eye to stay to the still sea
interrupted as a twist
and one hurled away into the horizon
of ineffective ideals of short-term
on top of towels
good to wrap the apples
and the manias fixed in your hair
slip of a few kilometers on the coast
satisfied with the feeling of having something of
because you unpacked something
and keep on repeating to themselves
only once
you're losing your age '
in exchange for a mystery on the back and the mouth
'Slow you started to look different'
every morning reading the Bible
apostrophize it in the evening
emphasizing it
contesting it
rip out it
disembodied it
punching the notes
to make a version of your
to put on the headboard of the bed
together with the Christ of Velasquez
a Hellenic black madonna
and a Vatican crucifix.

We started
to imagine the days on the coast
the same way as the summers in the city
in the district from which we fled and belong
collecting our money
belong to 17 years and I would say from forever
in the morning sipping coffee at room temperature
filtered 11 hours before two in the morning
totally exhausted when saturated
staring to roll
in bed with a thud
listening to the news
lavish from the unconscious TV
declining markets
oil prices stable
continuous rise in the gold
arrested the underworld of
in the kindergarten of
two teachers raped children
the lady found dead
killed by his addict son
beaten to death
the weather will improve
and then will deteriorate over the weekend
to tell you laughing
I loved that cross line
it is not the first time you do it
I loved it
you are turned away
and go in the kitchen
to fetch water
and to get the last drop
to correct the coffee
before sinking
not before putting
teddy bear in our midst
as the child who we will never have.

We went to Mass
five in the morning
to the Irish church of the place
we had never done it
and you're wearing
that big white hat of straw
with a pink ribbon
and two wonderful sunglasses
with an impenetrable frames
and the lenses extracted from the bottom
of a Trieste absyss
many times I saw you make the same gestures
in the Irish Church as in the theater
that time the lectio magistralis
held by the philosopher on Russian literature
strangers have asked us
you know that you know what
must always be dressed in their own way
and subjected to the same
and then you say
'Hey nice, I sell good stuff
if you want the first hole
am I doing it yourself '.

I admit I overdid it that night on the coast
I admit I have lost the sense of things
continue to talk about the Corcoran
and my imminent return to the Whitney & to the Biennial
you kept beating around the bush on the Dead
and I spoke of the Dead
just to make an Anglophone assonance
and there you threw the glass
and you said back in town tomorrow
you follow me, or do whatever the fuck you want
and I said I
you made a fuckin’ mess at the bar
the waiter
that kept saying no with his head
and you blamed him
and he apologized
and you said
lady is 17 years
I cannot control
these movements
I have spent an evening
I was drunk
and the car came
and I do not blame
I apologize
and you only asked for a whiskey
to forget
and you left a tip of ten pieces
and told me
go to apologize to me
you better use of the words.

The morning on Rue Photagraph
the metal basket
to be taken & to fill
coffee soap coke popcorn
ketchup chips soda
mayonnaise lettuce tomato Tullamore
bread eggs bacon roast beef
turkey roasted peppers
red beans and red onion
salted butter Bushmills
to the case with two baskets of metal
and the electric blue plastic handle
the latest printed memories
in a slip of paper recycled
with a farewell
after the total
thou shall be like your neighbors.

Life is different
through these blue glasses
get out of bed and settle down
in the chair opposite the bed
a brick-colored cloth chair
with dark borders even more
count on your fingers the day
that remain on the coast
beyond our borders
we ransacked
and we told the truth
the only truth
with disarming lies impassable
we staged
a fake marriage.

When they killed the President
you ran away.

I have repeated
than that of the table in front of the left
had some similarities with me
perhaps be traced elsewhere
the way he looked things around
and seized them by the way
and the way he put his arms on the table
day should be lived
under our bell
put more color
seek more color
fill it make it cement
crowds on the surface
in the hinterland of this region
swallowing a canvas bag
for the great cry of the east coast.

A photo b / w

Life for as we've known it

A place inhabited
in an abandoned world
rummaging when you are on the bottom
started talking
it’s probable
being told
at all
moreover controversial

A strange way to go down
completely personal
the water is hard
must remain there
confiding in the error
a fist on a table
to bed again

Disinformation before arriving
woman in blue
waiting for revenge
under the actorial voice
look at the dramatic text
staged the first
chekhovian robbery
it means nothing

Velvet couch
pendant arm
lost last night
sterilized prostitute
human situations
to be discussed on
reached the point where
a trolley runs

And it's only my raincoat
we were in
and in that house
I took you
you told me
I took
to look
much older
You tied your teeth
in a series
with buried stones
hung from the roof
before we hanging up
our name
day of December

The score was wrong
she had drunk too much
then she had feel like of vein
I looked at her
and I waited wounded
the white room
of experiences
re-entering the meat

The coincidences
we belong
more than
your daughter’s voice
at the exhibition
she was calm
allow me to speak
before closing

Only an intimacy
we have
we turn the corner
where we can continue
I remember you
that your lover
has a broken leg
and that's fine

to be write
one of the most talented
no letters
no response
from publishing
books struggle
to sell
At the station with a Cohen
enemies now
say thanks
we always arrive
to the taste
one more lived temptation
it is not counted
it has only grown

One thing among us
before they take
am I
distracted distraught & lone
keep your wrapped hands
there where
I can be

Does it cost anything
and where will we arrive
I repeat
it’s only an agreement
talking back
in a store in Bleecker Street
Pollock's Number Ten

It 's all true
what it consists
Gimmie Shelter
is the best
rock 'n' roll track
ever written

The lady
of the lake of the forgotten
with the best
recordings at the BBC
1968 - 1973
to digesting you need to breathe
an idea you can expand
she is late
At the presentation
just before
someone drinks
to give himself a tone
others to get by
to stand
that mac’s trembling

Father & Son
one could not be
more different from the other
is a text
on the photographic work
of Walter Rosenblum
recalls Strand

She has almost
sixty years
he just
they do not know what
the obscenity
chronicle of a crime

they pull tickets
those of the exhibition
combined with those
the permanent
above the beam remains
inscription of a dada
we were born bitter

In the hour of visit
deciding vote
between the two candidates
the choice between
a mother crazy
and reasonable lover
is a demential ambit
Let me tell you
I read
better things
that I adapted
in the worst way
for example
that time in turkish toilet
of the rest area

A serial number
a promise on the passport
a child
decides to play
with a disk
near the entrance of the house
somewhere up above
a suicide observes undecided

Who said
that it lasts
that it resists
at Cafe du Monde
I talk with Gerald
and he has his hands
full of soap
I look inside

The No. 2 film
was astonishing
we still have
the consequences of the afternoon
uncontrolled outbursts
your shots
from the cliff
were indecent

I asked you
to warn
the light is changed
If the ink end
you will not stop
it is not true that
you can always remedy
you should know
a life of study
a love for life
you saw me
the disease is progressing
are you that you're with me
it was you

I do not think
she was embarrassed
she was an orphan
you think
that mine
are follies
you might think

that you stood before me
in the darkroom
with a copy
of your will
of your feelings
swollen face
how to make

more than anything else
the story
of the people
their faces
she was going
you have not forgiven

Any conflict
in context
each context
known conflicts
turning the words
in this way
has its price
it’s an impairment
Hunt the infidels
or tame them
we take home
where we do not know
if you were the one
you looked
the telescope
it can be mentioned

Whatever take
the coils
record over
find other sequences
with open strings
you stopped
to be fertile

The throat
under the force
of a hold
quickly lose contact
you can stay in
upside down

Front of a painting
is where I came
Rickie Lee Jones
Sandy Denny
Grace Slick &
Christ I want to sing
Christ as them
you keep on saying

The bra
you unhooked it
it’s feasible
almost cum
with the palm
is where I have taken
into account
it seems that N. asserts
of the fuller objects
dissolve the corners
cynical & bitter
in the avenue
of the permanent theater
mushy stool

Stay away
give me the
I want to get
to do the
go down

Every Day is a Good Day

Every day is a good day
to cross the unheeded land
of the world
write something
and take pictures in b/w
every day is a good day
teach the unforgivable
streets of madness
its fake altars
the permanent fate &
the insolent request for forgiveness
every day is a good day
to overturn the dead in the coffin
and steal him the household gods
every day is a good day
to stay on the ledges
with a gothic expression
and observe the market square
and cry 'what will you do all this'
every day is a good day
to sit around
leave ‘n’ back
look at the backs of old hands
every day is a good day
create absurd legends
that sustain false myths
every day is a good day
to think about thinking
and convert it to the word
like the only dominant law
profession of faith
full confession
the only possibility then
every day is a good day
to formulate amendments
to the constitution
and before going to bed
cover it
with oil of one
of the lovers of Herod
or with a painting by Moreau
every day is a good day
to leave the bars
and be free
give a tip
only to the the head
of the toilette
every day is a good day
to forget the text of the Hail Mary
remembering the notes of Schubert
every day is a good day
to find an agreement
with the opponent
resting  his elbows
on your kitchen table
every day is a good day
to sink the enemy
every day is a good day
for do not say goodbye
to those who got away
every day is a good day
to follow the letter of religion
and realize that
what keeps you on
is the backbone - nothing spiritual
every day is a good day
to take a bullet
in the newspapers
and wrapped it with others
you will read them in retirement
or dying
and you’ll seek the reason
least to remind
patching up
every day is a good day
for never existed angels
and they quote John Lennon
god is a concept
every day is a good day
to watch the colossal defeat
of the XXI century
every day is a good day
to ask your mother
how I was in the belly
how did you feel me
how did I feel
what I was talking about
did I mime some romantic theme?
every day is a good day
to leave the knowledge in the sink
and leave it there
taking shape
be baptized
and find a way out
every day is a good day
to live in museums of art
every day is a good day
to approach a waiter
then leave
every day is a good day
to read the sports news
and comment
with your best friend
every day is a good day
to set foreign policy
after wondering
why you were not born first
you missed the XX century
every day is a good day
to play games in hell
even if you do not know
what the hell is precisely
and its vital equipment
every day is a good day
to wait in line at the post
and not paying
the condominium installments
every day is a good day
to accept
that life is just this
every day is a good day
to admit
that you do not read more philosophy
the Frankfurt School mourns
in the corner of the last shelf
every day is a good day
to go to marriage
of the love of your life
see that the groom is not you
and for sure
you have not impregnated here
- you were not there
every day is a good day
to feel like
an iguana braying in the cradle
that doesn’t rock
every day is a good day
to diverge with yourself
take the dreams and convert them
do the same with the nightmares
every day is a good day
only to cross the cemeteries
and fill the lungs
of green air that is around
every day is a good day
to follow funny show trials
where the accused
risks only the neck
every day is a good day
to burn the birth house
or hit the hated parent
and vanish in the nocturne
of the continent
every day is a good day
to assess the defeat
and failure
every day is a good day
to participate in the gold rush
every day is a good day
to go to the grocery store
turning stroll
takin’ a sulphured soap
every day is a good day
to hang the monkeys on the wall
and some other animal of childhood
every day is a good day
to read Milton
and rip off the cover of Paradise Lost
every day is a good day
to assist the variation of caskets
every day is a good day
for the last opposition
to the system
of your body
every day is a good day
to bring home the due
and pass the penalty
every day is a good day
for the general market panic
and the oxen butchered by butchers
every day is a good day
to buy music
posters of paintings
historical essays
every day is a good day
to declare war
far East
the middle east
two-headed center of gravity
their addictions
every day is a good day
to indulge your addiction
every day is a good day
to stop the erection
of the people
every day is a good day
climbing stairs
and put a slice of orange
in the mouth of expatriate conductor
like the girl near you
that guzzles yet another beer
and laughs
every day is a good day
to grow in public
every day is a good day
to grow children in the fresh air
every day is a good day
to notice the behavior of people
assimilate them
and cut them
to refer to Abstract Expressionism
every day is a good day
for an abstruse forgetfulness of the past.